Release 5
The Flexible Animation Builder (FAB) of WinFACT for the first time allows the convenient design of simple as well as complex process visualizations, animations and user interfaces for the block oriented simulation system BORIS without any programming. To realize such projects it is no longer necessary to program User DLLs before.
The Flexible Animation Builder is a powerful tool for the interactive, direct design, which offers the following graphical elements:
- Lines and polylines
- Circles, ellipses, rectangles and rounded resp. shaded rectangles
- Triangles and parallelograms (rotating)
- y-t- and x-y-graphics
- Tables with several columns
- Bitmaps and Windows metafiles
- Bitmap status displays and bitmap sequences (animated bitmaps)
- Video for Windows files (AVI files)
- Sound support (WAV files)
- Static texts and text messages
- Time and date fields
- Numerical output fields
- Horizontal and vertical bar graphs, progress bars, thermometers
- LED displays (round or rectangular) and LCD panels
- Analog instruments (scalable)
- Switches and buttons (alternatively with text and/or graphic) as well as bitmap buttons and button groups
- Buttons for special functions (e. g. for the control of the simulation)
- Edit fields
- Check boxes
- Horizontal and vertical sliders
- Horizontal and vertical pipes (animated)
- Tank systems (animated)
- Valves, hydraulic cylinders, pumps and motors (animated)
All graphic and control elements can be combined with each other in any way. The possibility to link most properties of the elements (e. g. position or size) with single block in- or outputs allows the realization of any static and dynamic visualization. Furthermore it is possible to switch on or off single elements independently.
The FAB kernel is a DLL of the BORIS User DLL standard. Therefore the FAB can be used as a tool within BORIS as well as a completely independent stand-alone process visualization for other applications (e. g. user programmed applications). To visualize outputs of his own program or to generate inputs for his own program in an easy and convenient way the user only has to integrate the corresponding interface functions of the FAB DLL in his program.
Compared with version 4 the release 5 offers the following improvements and add-ons:
- Optional window manager for a comfortable management of several FAB visualization windows at runtime
- Management of keyboard commands (allows the triggering of events via keypress)
- Input controlled showing and hiding of the visualization window
- Selection and editing of element groups (via -resp. -key or by a selection rectangle via mouse within the visualization window)
- Optimized window management in the design mode (via the context menu of the visualization window)
- Extended selection of graphic and control elements
- Modified configuration dialog with separated element and property tables
- Controllable element colors and fill patterns
- Changeable element sequence via drag & drop
- Insertion of new elements at any position via drag & drop
- Copying and pasting of elements
- Optional design grid within the visualization window
- Selecting and moving of elements with the mouse (drag & drop) in both operation modes
- Special buttons for simulation control (e. g. print etc.)
- Via button click visualization windows of variable size and control windows
- Integrable online help
- Use of constants
- I/O control windows
- Bitmap libraries (standard and user defined)
Application samples
The following animations show some applications of the FAB module. To display the original graphics (most of them animated) click on the magnifying glass symbol within the corresponding preview graphic. Also the user interfaces of our automatic control compact models were created by using the Flexible Animation Builder.
Lab. experiment "Rotary disc"
(Hochschule Bochum, Prof. Pohl)
Lab. experiment "Ball-seesaw"
(Hochschule Bochum, Prof. Pohl)
Lab. experiment "Spring pendulum system"
(Hochschule Bochum, Prof. Pohl)
Lab. experiment "Fluid muscle"
(Hochschule Bochum, Prof. Pohl)
Lab. experiment "Liquid level control"
(Hochschule Bochum, Prof. Pohl)
Lab. experiment "Loading crane"
(Hochschule Bochum, Prof. Pohl)
Lab. experiment "Pneumatic cylinder"
(Hochschule Bochum, Prof. Pohl)
Picking system
Sheet metal forming machine
Stirling engine
(Prof. R. Nollau)
Mine simulation
(Comp. ct.e Engineering, Herne)
Pneumatic cylinder
(Prof. R. Nollau)
(Prof. R. Nollau)
Controlled model car
(Prof. R. Nollau)
(Berufsfachschule Langenthal, Schweiz)
User interface vehicle simulation
Ratio control
Polymerisation system
Climate room
Bang-bang-temperature control
Long running temperature recording
Roulette game
Documentations and product information
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Product information “Flexible Animation Builder (German/English)” |
Single user licence Industry: | EUR | 580,00 |
Education licence: | EUR | 580,00 |
Please refer to our price lists for current prices of all products! On request user of older releases can get a low-priced update.